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Image courtesy of pixabay

Who has it right? Whose belief is correct? There are thousands of religions in the world (see this article on beliefnet for one helpful summary). Some, like Buddhism and Judaism, pre-exist Christianity by thousands of years, while new ones (or variants of old ones) are forming all the time. All of these faiths have different ideas about the way that we connect with the ultimate source of existence. Is there a single God or number of gods? Does the divine interfere in our daily lives or not? Is it intelligent or just a generic creative 'force'? Is the divine subject to emotions, or distant and removed?

According to some sources, there are 41,000 branches of Christianity (and counting) alone! These all come under the umbrella of Christianity due to the central role of Jesus of Nazareth in their understanding and interpretation of God. However, arguments about Jesus' identity are at the center of some of the bitterest divisions in Christian history. Even when churches agree about what Jesus means, they can still argue over numerous other topics - interpretation of the Bible, who holds authority, or even when to hold certain sacred holidays.

This diversity makes it hard to clearly define 'Christian Belief', but in this section of our site we will try and work to broadly define Christianity by discussing some of the widely acknowledged aspects of the Christian faith, by which we mean 'Faiths focused on Jesus as the central point of revelation from God'.

Below we have a range of questions people may ask about Christian beliefs, and provide some of our thinking in response. You may wish to select a question by clicking on its gallery image below. If you would like quick access to the various topics, you can also select related questions from the navigation bar under the heading "I have questions about...". 

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