
Welcome to BreadBytes. The attached video is intended to help you famililarise yourself with the site structure. However, here are a few quick tips.

1) Clicking on the BreadBytes Logo in the top left corner will return you to the homepage. From the homepage, you can click on the images to access the main subsections of the site.

2) You can also access the subsections of the site, as well as a number of other components, by using the black navigation bar at the top of the page.

3) Hovering the mouse over the various options on the navigation bar may produce further options. For example, hovering over 'Biblical Summaries' will present you with options for accessing thoughts on specific books of the Bible.

4) Definitions are embedded on various pages, aiming to describe words that may need further clarification. Hover your mouse over a (usually red) word with a thin red line underneath like ‘this’.

5) You may also encounter links to other pages which might prove instructive.

6) On some pages, we've pushed some of the more challenging content into drop down boxes. A drop down box is recognisable by the plus sign at the beginning of its heading. Click on the heading below as an example.

+ Click on this heading

...to access its drop down box.

7) Many of the images on the Breadbytes website (for instance, see the home page) are linked to other pages. For example, rotating galleries like the one below may also serve as menus.