Why Easter Saturday is important…

Why Easter Saturday is important…

To me, Saturday represents an aspect of Christian faith which is as neglected as the day itself. Churches are really comfortable with the Friday language of sacrifice (how many songs do you know that mention ‘blood of Jesus’). The Sunday language of resurrection and the ‘Christ who defeated death’ is frequently applied and well-worn. But Saturday remains unacknowledged. Some may call it uninspiring.

I think a better term is uncertain. I quite like it.

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Beating the Curve: Faith without Sundays

Beating the Curve: Faith without Sundays

The vast numbers of Christians who have left the church over the past couple of decades cannot simply be explained by ‘laziness’, some sort of motivation issue. That’s largely not what it is about.

Rather, I think the greater issue is about what people find themselves needing to do ethically and intellectually to stay in the church. In other words, it is not that they are not doing enough, but—on the contrary—that they have been very active. They have invested. They have participated. They have seen. They have thought. They have felt. They have experienced. And they have found themselves, in all good conscience—using brains, guts, social conscience, protective instinct, spiritual direction and common sense—unable to stay.

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Belief as a "Working Hypothesis"

Belief as a "Working Hypothesis"

As a teacher, person of faith and lifelong learner, I sometimes explain my faith to others as a ‘working hypothesis’. By this I mean that my faith is based on the ‘best I’ve worked out to this point’. This ‘best’ is important. It is how I ground my thinking and my beliefs. It is the clearest understanding I have as to how things work, and what really matters. It represents my commitment to the ultimate purpose in this world.

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